Exciting news! Filming for High School Musical 3 begins in January, according to OK! magazine.
“The script is getting written — it starts in January, and it’s a feature film,” HSM’s Jason (Ryne Sanborn, 18) said at the world premiere of High School Musical: The Ice Tour in NYC on Sept. 29. “[But] I haven’t gotten a call saying, ‘We want you to do it.’”
Olesya Rulin, 21, aka piano player Kelsi, added, “It if happens, I’ll be ecstatic to be in the third one.”
OK! also reports, “After the Vanessa Hudgens nude photo scandal, and the rising profile of series star Zac Efron, Kaycee Stroh, 23, who plays Martha, hopes the cast remains the same. ‘Our fingers are crossed because we love each other. The chemistry’s great with the 10 of us.’”
According to Life & Style, Zac is being offered $3.25 million dollars to star in HSM3 and Vanessa, a measly $1.3 million dollars. Chump change, people!
According to IMDB, two of the film’s working titles are High School Musical 3: Gradu-Dancin and Haunted High School Musical. Do you like any of those titles?
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
High School Musical 3: Filming Begins January
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12:56 PM
Labels: High School Musical 3, Vanessa Hudgens, Zac Efron
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